Friday, October 4, 2013

Joys of Dove Hunting

Friends bonding around a campfire
Have you ever wanted to feel like you are a part of a group? Have friends with the likes? Have a group of people from different backgrounds, different careers, and even different beliefs come together as one. Ever heard about "you need to help wildlife in your area" campaign or "do your part in helping the environment" campaign? Well have I and do. That's why every year I make it a point to go hunting.
Picture for Texas Hunters Education

Believe it or not but hunting is one of the best ways you can get together with a group of people from different races, social statuses, tax brackets, and just about any other differences you can think of. With hunting you find that you become a true conservationist and not an extreme preservationist.
Merriam-webster defines Conservationist as "someone who works to protect animals, plants, and natural resources or to prevent the loss or waste of natural resources" and Preservationist as "someone who works to preserve something".

Now i know you are going hunters just kill defenseless animals and are just bloodthirsty killers. Wrong!!! We are hunting conservationist who love nature and want it to be healthy and to be here for generations to come.

I do understand that yes a long time ago before laws were put in place hunters in general did not present themselves in a great light. However it was hunters who wanted conservation of the wildlife, plants and other natural resources who helped put our current laws into place.  They knew back then if they didn't do something about bad hunters people today would not be able to enjoy anything that has to do with nature.  So came the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937. This act provides funding for the selection, restoration, and improvement of wildlife habitats, and for wildlife management research.  This act allows funds to come from an 11% federal excise tax on sporting arms, ammunition and archery equipment, and a 10% tax on handguns. This act also help pave the way to put into place laws of how hunting should be conducted and exercised.  In other words with was the hunters who are help preserve and conserve the wildlife, plants and other natural resources. With all this said I encourage people to seek out their states hunting education course so that if you are new to hunting you are ensuring that you are following your states and federal laws that govern hunting. 

Sunrise Breckenridge Texas 
Know to get back on point. The joys of hunting friendship, bonding of child(ern) to parent(s), getting back into nature, and seeing the outdoors without the distractions of modern times.  Who wouldn't like to just get away from city life. However i will admit I do miss going to Starbucks form my morning brew, but thats why i bring my coffee grounds with me. Have you ever smelled to the morning air or seen a sunrise with nothing blocking or smog ruining those experiences? If your answer is no well i have to tell you, you have missed out. I have friends who go on hunts just to get that experience heck they don't even hunt they just enjoy the friendships and being out in nature with their friends. Heres a picture of my last morning during a dove hunt. I took this picture just after sunrise and loved that the moon was this shining as the sun was rising over the horizon. In fact both myself and my son just sat for a few moments while we enjoyed this time in nature. We didn't say anything didn't do anything, but we enjoyed our time together out in the middle of a field in north texas. After that moment we looked at each other and smiled and went about our hunt. I sit here writing this in true belief that when we go hunting we bond more as parent to child that as any other time. I think mainly because of all the other distractions that are in our lives.
Sun Set Breckenridge Texas 

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